"Andrew Tate, please help him"

Publish date: 2024-06-28

Controversial internet personality Adin Ross has gone viral once again after joking about coming out as gay. During a livestream on September 17, 2023, the streamer got together with Kick ambassador Tyler "Trainwreckstv." At one point during their conversation, the Florida native said:

"My bad, guys, I just wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart - all you guys in my chat need to understand something. Okay? I, hereby, would like to say that I... am gay."

Drama Alert on X (formerly Twitter) shared the content creator's clip, which quickly garnered quite a lot of traction. User @noam_bussi tagged Adin Ross' idol, Andrew Tate, and wrote:

"Andrew Tate, please help him."
Netizens on the social media platform commenting on the streamer's clip (Image via Drama Alert/X)

"This wasn’t him really coming out" - Online community reacts to Adin Ross' viral clip

Adin Ross has made headlines for a variety of controversial reasons this year. On February 28, 2023, he shared his thoughts on the LGBTQIA+ community, sparking massive outrage. He had then tweeted:

"There are only two genders."

Andrew Tate slammed the 22-year-old for his divisive views, branding him a "bigot." The former professional kickboxer remarked:

"You're a f**king bigot. That is disgusting! Where did you get that idea? Where would you come up with the crazy idea that there are only two genders? When did that get into your brain? You should know better."

The Kick star once again made headlines earlier today (September 17, 2023), after making a joke about coming out as gay. Drama Alert's tweet attracted over 145 comments in less than an hour, with X user @Clinikal_kev claiming that Adin Ross was "obviously" pranking:

Fans weighing in on the Kick streamer's clip 1/4 (Image via Drama Alert/X)

However, one viewer found the streamer's antics "cringe":

Fans weighing in on the Kick streamer's clip 2/4 (Image via Drama Alert/X)

X user @TracyOhana4ever believed that Ross didn't "really come out." They added:

"Y’all actually took this as a serious announcement? He might be gay, I don’t know, but this wasn’t him really coming out."
Fans weighing in on the Kick streamer's clip 3/4 (Image via Drama Alert/X)

Some of the more pertinent reactions were along these lines:

Fans weighing in on the Kick streamer's clip 4/4 (Image via Drama Alert/X)

Readers can access the streamer's video on demand (VOD) here:

Timestamp: 02:36:20

Adin Ross hosted a face-off between JJ "KSI" and Tommy Fury during the same livestream. Jake Paul also made a brief appearance during the special collaboration.

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