Claire Holt cant stop laughing after being criticized for calling Max Verstappen a grouc
Australian actress Claire Holt mentioned that she found it amusing after F1 fans criticized her for calling Max Verstappen a 'grouchy baby'.
The Originals actress is a huge fan of the sport and was not shy about giving her opinion on the Red Bull driver and criticized him for his behavior towards his Mexican teammate Sergio Perez thus far.
Max Verstappen had been harsh on his teammate last season in Brazil after he refused to give back his teammate the position despite the team's orders. The reigning double-world champion had claimed that he did not follow team orders and help his teammate as Perez had done him wrong previously.
While responding to her criticism, Holt said:
"I cannot stop laughing about this. People are taking it so seriously that I called him a 'grouchy baby'. By the way, I stand by what I said. Checo has been a great teammate and what he did to him was baby behavior."Holt previously had commented on her social media that she wanted Sergio Perez to kick his teammate's a**:
“I love it but I’m tired of Max winning all the time. Also, I think he’s a grouchy baby and I’d like Checo to kick his a**."F1 pundit claims even Lewis Hamilton cannot beat Max Verstappen
Peter Windsor on his Live Stream on Youtube stated that he believed that currently even Lewis Hamilton cannot stand against Max Verstappen in the same car.
He said:
"In order for them to be teammates, it would mean Lewis joining Red Bull. In that situation, I think it would be Max. Because Max has this symbiotic relationship with Adrian and to some extent with Christian but more importantly, with Adrian. And Max knows Adrian's brain pretty well. Lewis will be chiming into that and he'll be getting into his racing car and it will feel great." "In terms of overall in a season, I think it would be almost impossible to beat the Max Verstappen-Adrian Newey partnership even if you're Lewis Hamilton."Although the chances of two driving together in a Red Bull are almost impossible despite the mutual admiration between the two of them. But Windsor may be correct in his assessment as the British driver would have to gel with the Austrian team and make efforts in other areas as well before challenging Max Verstappen in the same car and trying to beat him on the track.
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