Does Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga have a multiplayer mode? Platforms and more explored
Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga is a perfect game for fans of the beloved sci-fi franchise and Lego games. With its strong fanbase, many players wonder if there is a way they can compete with others across the globe. However, Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga currently does not have a dedicated online multiplayer mode.
However, players can compete in local split-screen co-op mode. While it may be a setback for many avid players of Lego games and Star Wars fans, one way to experience the game with other players is to have a friend join them locally.
Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga lacks multiplayer mode but features local co-op
While players may be dejected at the omission of a multiplayer feature in Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, this has been the norm with the developers' previous titles like Lego Jurassic World and Lego DC Super-Villains. The developers have repeatedly clarified the omission of multiplayer on Twitter and other social media platforms.
Despite no online multiplayer mode, one still needs an internet connection to download some character packs.
Only two players can delve into Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga. The game comprises over 300 playable characters from the beloved sci-fi franchise, and the campaign is packed with missions based on nine Star Wars movies.
One can purchase various character packs to enhance their in-game experience. Furthermore, the game has many classes, like Dark Side, Villain, Bounty Hunter, and Jedi, to name a few. Fans of the Star Wars movies can even pick any trilogy of their choice (in any order) and try out the aforementioned classes.
Players can discover varied locales and partake in action-packed dogfights. Combat-wise, one can unleash combos, wield the beloved weapon lightsaber, and leverage the Jedi powers.
The game is available in Standard and Deluxe Edition. The latter includes seven character packs, along with Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Standard Edition is also fairly rich in content.
The game is available on all major platforms, including the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PC, Nintendo Switch, and last-generation consoles, such as the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
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