How much space does Overwatch 2 take up on PC? (Season 2)
Overwatch 2 has been reaching newer heights of popularity with each day. The title was released late last year and was pretty buggy upon launch. Since then, the developers have doubled down on their efforts to fix most of the bugs plaguing the game.
Most of the bugs have been addressed, and the developers are continuously working to improve the overall quality of life within Overwatch 2. The game is in its second season, and with new items constantly being added, it's natural that the file size will grow.
So how much space does this game take, especially during the second season? Read on to find out.
How big is Overwatch 2?
Based on the official system requirements listed on Blizzard's support page, players must have at least 50 GB of space on their hard drives. This indicates that Overwatch 2 won't cross more than 50 GB in size at any given point in time. If the game exceeds this capacity, the same should reflect on the support page.
That aside, not much has changed with the system requirements. Given the game's competitive aspect, it isn't too demanding in terms of system requirements. Blizzard recommends that players intending to run the game in medium settings should have at least 8 GB of RAM and a video card better equivalent to the Nividia GTX 1650.
Meanwhile, the developers are planning to introduce new content to the game. For the first part, they are working on rewards for the upcoming Season. Many players within the community have been talking about the lack of proper reward choices in the game. The developers then responded on Twitter, saying they would be working on the reward choices from Season 3 onwards.
Additionally, players could compete as a new hero sometime soon. There's not much information yet, but more will be revealed soon. In fact, Overwatch 2 just received a new hero and map in Season 2. Ramattra and the fabled Shambali Monastery have both made it into the game. So, it'll be a while before the next hero is introduced.
For now, it's believed that the hero's origin is supposedly Italian. The speculation was fueled by an image of an Italian man trying to defeat a swarm of enemies while holding a pizza tray.
An individual within the Overwatch lore does exist who fits this description. Again, there's not much information and no clear date for the release of this character.
However, all this is just speculation, and even if true, Blizzard might throw a curveball and launch a different hero altogether. Something similar occurred with Ramattra's launch. The community believed that the developers would be releasing Mauga, but they instead released Ramattra. It will be interesting to see which hero comes next to Overwatch 2.
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