How to beat the Kagerou's demon form in Trek to Yomi

Publish date: 2024-06-30

Trek to Yomi, a game by Flying Wild Hog and published by Devolver Digital, is one of the more intriguing side-scroller games seen this year. Despite the fact that it doesn't take long to complete, players will still encounter plenty of challenges, including Kagerou, who destroyed the village of Hiroki.

In Trek to Yomi, Kagerou may seem like a standard fight at first, but things escalate pretty quickly, and players will want to be ready. They'll need to pull out all the stops to overcome this final confrontation and avenge Hiroki's village, which won't be a simple task.

Breaking down Trek to Yomi's Kagerou Demon fight

This demonic samurai is a far cry from his counterparts (Image via Devolver Digital)

Trek to Yomi players have encountered Kagerou a few times previously, but never on an even playing field like this. With that in mind, players will have to be considerably cautious not to make fatal mistakes and open themselves up to the demonic samurai, as his punishments can be absolutely brutal.

Beating Kagerou

  • Kagerou begins with a series of heavy swipes but can also utilize extended combos. Check for the glint and time your parry when his heavy attacks start to come out. This should open the demon up for a counterattack for a brief moment, and Trek to Yomi players will want to take advantage of this window.
  • Be careful with your combos. Whiffing even one can lead to Kagerou punishing with a vengeance. The safest strategies are best here, using parries and basic counters in order to whittle down the demon's health bit by bit.
  • If Trek to Yomi players are still having a tough time, there's nothing wrong with pulling back and peppering the demon with ranged weapons. Kagerou may not find it very honorable, but all's fair in love and war, and everything is permitted to secure a win for Hiroki.
  • Once Kagerou is beaten once, he'll enact his true demonic transformation. This transformation brings with it some additional magical attacks that players will want to be ready for.
  • When the demon fires small rings of energy, roll away from them as soon as possible to avoid their explosion. The demon will also form a ring around Hiroki, which must also be rolled away from to avoid damage. Kagerou can also control space in the arena by lighting the ground on fire, and players must wait for this to subside before they approach again.
  • Once Kagerou's health has reached the halfway point in the second phase, he'll summon backup. These enemies are fairly straightforward to defeat. Simply parry and counter them until they're wiped out. This also allows the player to restore some of their health before repeating the pattern in step five and finally defeating Kagerou.
  • Players will need to rely on their parries and counters to a significant degree and keep a very close eye on his movements to emerge victorious.

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