Which Rangers players have hit 40+ HR in a season? MLB Immaculate Grid Answers August 10

Publish date: 2024-06-17

Every day, MLB Immaculate Grid releases a new puzzle for baseball fans to consume. Although relatively new, the game has received resoundingly positive reviews from fans everywhere.

The 3x3 grid features nine squares. It is up to Immaculate Grid participants to use the hints given to populate the squares with names of relevant MLB players, both past and present.

On Aug. 10, Immaculate Grid required participants to name players who have hit 40 or more home runs in a Texas Rangers uniform. Let's take a look at some of the relevant names.

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The most recent player to cross the 40-homer mark in a Rangers outfit was Joey Gallo. Gallo, a first-rounder for the Rangers, hit 41 home runs as a 23-year-old in 2017, despite only hitting .209. The following season, he put up 40 home runs, but things began to slide quickly.

After a 2021 trade to the New York Yankees, Gallo hit just .130 in 2021, and .159 in 2022. Despite having 420 home runs over his nine-year career, the Vegas native is a mere .197 career hitter.

"For those of you still screaming for Joey Gallo to come back to Texas. Shut up." - Cody P

Josh Hamilton is another player who saw a monumental fall from grace. The outfielder hit 32 home runs and 100 RBIs, and led the league with a .359 batting average to capture the 2012 AL MVP Award. Two seasons later, he hit 43 home runs and 128 RBIs, winning his third Silver Slugger.

After signing with the Los Angeles Angels later that season, injuries, performance issues, and a drug relapse hurt his ability to perform. Hamilton retired from baseball just three years later at the age of 34.

After Alex Rodriguez broke out as a member of the 1990s Seattle Mariners, everyone wanted a piece of him. However, his attitude in Seattle and public feud with Ken Griffey Jr. strained his relationship with Mariners management.

A-Rod's attitude appealed to Rangers owner John Hicks, who authorized a 10-year, $252 million contract for the then 24-year-old. In 2001, he hit 52 home runs, and followed up with 57 in 2002, and 47 in 2003. Although A-Rod easily won the 2003 AL MVP Award, his attitude was too much for the Rangers, who traded him to the Yankees the following offseason.

"Corey Seager is the first Rangers shortstop to homer in 3 straight home games since Alex Rodriguez in 2003." - ESPN Stats and Info

Puerto Rican outfielder Juan Gonzalez is another viable Immaculate Grid answer today. Gonzalez's 43 and 46 home runs in 1992 and 1993 respectively led the league and won him Silver Sluggers both seasons. In 1996, Gonzalez again hit 47 home runs to capture to MVP. In all, Gonzalez had five seasons with 40 or more home runs while playing for the Texas Rangers.

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