Which Starter is best to pick in Coromon?
Coromon is the newest, and possibly the best, challenger to everyone's favorite creature capturing battle simulator. Much like its inspiration and biggest competitor, the game will ask new players to pick one of three friends to join them in their adventure.
The three starters in this game are Toruga, a fire turtle, Nibblegar, a bipedal shark, and Cubzero, a snowball bear. Each has its upsides and downsides, but every player will need to pick their first companion.
The best starter in Coromon
While players can make their way through the game with any of the three starting Coromon, the numbers and advantages show a clear winner. Cubzero is the most advantageous starter to take at the outset.
Each of the starters comes with built-in stats that are designed to push them towards a particular playstyle. Toruga is, somewhat ironically, the fastest choice and sports a high special attack stat. Nibblegar has high defense and special defense stats, making them a great tank. Cubzero, however, has great attack and defense stats, both special and normal.
Cubzero has the highest overall stats. When combining their numbers, they end up with 274, compared to Toruga's 254 and Nibblegar's 264. This clear numerical advantage makes them the easy choice.
Type advantage in Coromon
Players well-acquainted with Pokemon might balk at the idea of an Ice type starter being effective. Players will be shocked to find, however, that the Coromon type charts are remarkably different than their competition.
Pokemon games typically feature a Grass starter next to their Fire and Water options. Ice fills that role here, weak to Fire but strong against Water. While the Pokemon type charts have Ice weak to many types and strong against few, Coromon goes a different direction.
Ice type creatures do additional damage to Water types. They take half the damage from Ice, Water, Poison, and Air types, which makes Cubzero a great tank for most fights. Its only weaknesses are other Ice types, Fire types, and Heavy Types. The other seven types have no special effect on Ice creatures.
Cubzero evolves into Aroara, then into Bearealis. This evolution line is probably the strongest of the starter set. It gets access to Water, Electric, Normal, and Cut type moves alongside its primary Ice moveset.
Cubzero and its evolutions are the numerically best option for players, but any starter is a great choice. Just pick a creature and jump into the new world of creatures and combat.
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